LifePoint Church
LifePoint Church is built on an authentic, contemporary and relevant approach to ministry as we carry out our mission of influencing people to find and follow Jesus. We believe that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a person. Jesus Christ. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of LifePoint guide our decisions as a church. Through the messages at LifePoint, you’ll hear practical teaching from the Bible that impacts your life no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
330 episodes
Dysfunction is No-Fun
Unhealthy characteristics and dysfunctional relationships tend to be part of every life and every story. The family God chose to become ancestors for Jesus was far less than perfect—full of suspicion, deceit, poor communication, manipulation—it...

Fear vs. Faith
Isaac moves from fear to faith. He repeats the failure of his father, Abraham, by deceiving the Philistine king, when he was afraid. However, he experienced God’s tremendous and undeserved blessings by becoming wealthy, putting his confidence i...

Stealing Blessings
God determined a path and purpose for both Jacob and Esau before they were born, yet they still were responsible for their choices. Because they occupied (literally) the same space and competed for prominence, Jacob and Esau struggled with each...

Grace Transforms our Family
Marriage combines two different people, and the results can be a forceful collision or a powerful blending of two into one over time. Grace is the ingredient that changes and improves our ability to create a healthy marriage. When we learn to r...

Grace Gives Generously
When you think about wealth, money, and possessions what images or representations come to your mind? When the Apostle Paul asked for the Corinthian church to help struggling believers in Jerusalem, he reminded them of reasons to be generous an...

Grace Lets Others Be
Grace and freedom fit together hand-in-glove. When we find our identity in God’s grace, we experience the freedom to be precisely who God made us to be. When we learn to live and give grace to each other, we are able set others free too. This f...

Grace Inspires Victory
Do our actions really matter if nothing we do can cause God to love us any more or less? Living under the rule of God’s grace is a call to living each day in victory over the power of sin. Romans 6 provides instructions for receiving grace to f...

Grace Saves You
When you read or hear the words, “undeserved privilege,” what do you reflexively think or feel? We’ve been trained to not only earn our own way through life but to resent those who have some type of standing or gift that we don’t have. However,...

Grace Leaves the Light On
The one quality we most need in life is the one reality we most resist. When Jesus wanted people to understand God and receive this principle into their lives, he told a story. Really, he told a series of stories that climaxed in one epic about...

From One Generation to the Next
The Scriptures remind us that God is faithful across all generations, yet we are entrusted with the responsibility of passing on the faith to the next. This task, while vital, can be challenging—especially when we confront the realities of gene...

Unwrapping Jesus' Family History
Every individual has ancestors, and every family has a story—even if that story is obscure or largely unknown. Matthew created a careful record of Jesus’ family to help us understand the significance of Jesus, and Jesus’ list of ancestors conta...

Two Funerals and a Wedding
As you try to follow Jesus, when have you hit a speed bump of confusion and struggled to move forward? Abraham and Sarah’s stories speed along to conclusion, while creating some confusing obstacles—death, a search for a bride, and an unfulfille...

Out of Control
Turn on the news. Pick up your phone. Think about your past experiences. Look at your family’s current situation. We often find ourselves feeling out of control. As humans, we desire control in our life and the world around us. As we continue t...

The Rewards of Faithfulness
Abraham's failure to trust in God leads to deception with Abimelech. Twenty-five years later, Abraham repeats the same mistake he made in chapter 12. He falls again into deception and failure, which shows believers how easily it is to slip back...

Twenty-Four Hours
What’s wrong with this world and how does God call us to interact with a culture in rebellion against him? After Abraham served God himself and two angels a meal, he asked God to extend mercy on flagrantly wicked people. Although God rescued Ab...

Responsibilities and Privileges
As God continued confirming his promises to Abraham, Abraham and Sarah turned their hesitant and halting faith into obedient action. Growing up progresses step-by-step and often feels slow to a child but rapid to an adult. God guides our life o...

Faith Meets Failure and Faithfulness
Christianity diverges from all other faith traditions by emphasizing God’s actions for us rather than our work for God, and Abraham’s story is the beginning of that change. This weekend Abram and Sarai show us beautiful faith that is far from p...

A Life of Faith
What does a life of following God really look like? The portrait of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis provides the earliest and most complete picture of a life of trusting God and his promises. This weekend, we begin inspecting the surprising twists...

God Chooses Abram
In the aftermath of the Babel account, God chose one particular family to bring blessing to the whole earth. In this first sermon in our new series, we’ll explore two of the first examples of a life of faith. Abraham and Sarah believed God’s pr...

Following the Clues from Suffering
Job asked repeatedly for an audience with God and finally he seems to receive exactly what he wanted…or does he? God seems to leave many of Job’s (and our) questions about suffering unanswered. Instead of revealing answers, God reveals himself ...

Pursuing Purpose in Suffering
Could there be a purpose or any positive result that grows from Job’s tragic experiences or from the trouble in our lives? We might be tempted to view our difficulties as random, inconvenient, and best ignored or overcome. However, it’s possibl...

Faith-Informed Pain
What difference does faith make when we’re suffering? Job lost everything but was able to hold onto his faith in God. His confident assertion that his life would continue beyond his death creates an important marker in the Old Testament Scriptu...

Sowing and Reaping...Really?
Sooner or later we all wonder, “How could this happen to me—from where has this unexpected problem or pain come?” These questions echo throughout each page of Job’s story. Responding to these questions can lead us onto dangerous ground, but it’...