LifePoint Church
LifePoint Church is built on an authentic, contemporary and relevant approach to ministry as we carry out our mission of influencing people to find and follow Jesus. We believe that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a person. Jesus Christ. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of LifePoint guide our decisions as a church. Through the messages at LifePoint, you’ll hear practical teaching from the Bible that impacts your life no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
LifePoint Church
God Chooses Abram
LifePoint Church
In the aftermath of the Babel account, God chose one particular family to bring blessing to the whole earth. In this first sermon in our new series, we’ll explore two of the first examples of a life of faith. Abraham and Sarah believed God’s promise, but (like us) their faith was often weak and their lives full of missteps. They discovered their failures were never enough to overcome God’s grace and promise. Through their story, we’ll discover how we can trust God to keep his promises.