LifePoint Church
LifePoint Church is built on an authentic, contemporary and relevant approach to ministry as we carry out our mission of influencing people to find and follow Jesus. We believe that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a person. Jesus Christ. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of LifePoint guide our decisions as a church. Through the messages at LifePoint, you’ll hear practical teaching from the Bible that impacts your life no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
LifePoint Church
Faith-Informed Pain
LifePoint Church
What difference does faith make when we’re suffering? Job lost everything but was able to hold onto his faith in God. His confident assertion that his life would continue beyond his death creates an important marker in the Old Testament Scriptures about belief in resurrection. We are able to look back on Jesus’ resurrection as strong confirmation of our own future life after death. Let’s consider how faith and hope in the future change life and suffering in our present.